
Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Weekend

Another weekend gone by entirely too quickly. It's interesting, because since I stay at home with Carrington now, weekends have changed meaning. They used to be "cram everything I want to do into two days because the next 5 days will be useless," and now they've transitioned to much-needed {and well enjoyed} family time. :)

We kicked off the weekend on Friday by celebrating Steve's birthday! This is the 11th birthday I've spent with this man...I feel blessed to have spent so many by his side. :) He's super low key about his birthday. Example: "So what do you want to do on Friday for your birthday, babe?" "Chipotle and Starbucks sounds great." ...And he's 100% serious, and way more excited about those plans than if I planned something grand. So, Chipotle and Starbucks it was! But first, Carrington and I visited him at work for lunch. It was C's first visit to his office. Between her and the mint oreo cupcakes I brought, I was basically chopped liver. ;) 

C sported her "I <3 Dad" onesie for the occasion.

Saturday I stopped by the Carter's/OshKosh sale. 40% off everything, and 50% off some things, and of course you earn $10 for every $50 you spend. I couldn't resist a few spring/summer things...

the loot!

And Sunday we met my in-laws at Ikea. It was their first time there, so we strolled around that giant place for most of the afternoon. We ended up getting this bookshelf for C's room. I can't wait to organize her books and a few decorative pieces I haven't had room for. Yay! 

And, I can't wrap up without mentioning that today is my very special momma's birthday. She is such an example to my brother and me: a kind and gentle soul, and yet she possesses incredible quiet strength. I hope I can be half of the mom to Carrington as she is to me. Love you, mom!

xoxo, Jen

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