
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Easy, Fun Toddler Activities for Snow Days

Happy Tuesday!

Since we've been "stuck" mostly indoors for a couple of days now due to the snow, I thought I'd jot down a few easy and fun ideas for keeping little ones happy and entertained when going out isn't really an option. Emphasis on easy because, sadly, I am no Pinterest momma! So these are some things we've either actually tried and had success with or are just self-explanatorily (is that a word?) easy. :) 

1. Bring the outdoors in! Get a tub, bowl, big tupperware, etc. and fill it with a few cupfuls of snow from outside, then position a few of your kid's favorite (waterproof) figurines in it and let their imaginations do the rest! C loved helping Anna, Elsa, and the Mickey Mouse gang play in their own snow.

2. Cut a few sponges up into different shapes, dip into paint, and let your child create some new art for the fridge!

3. Bring a couple of toys that might typically be "outdoor" toys inside. We brought C's cozy coupe into the living room (after brushing off the wheels) and because it's in an environment she's not used to seeing it in, it's breathed new life into the ol' car!

4. Spread a blanket or sheet out on the floor, grab some tea cups and small cookies, and throw a tea party! Don't forget the best part: talking in a British accent and, of course, pinkies up!

5. Dance partyyyy! This is one of our personal favorites. ;)

6. Bake up some treats - rice krispy treats, sugar cookies, just use whatever you have on hand.

7. Gather some family photos from around the house and create a family photo book -- then have your child go through the book naming each member of the family, from mom to grandma to aunts and uncles.

8. Make a DIY stamp out of a toilet paper or paper towel roll -- just fold into a heart shape (or whatever other shape you'd like), tape into place, and have your child dip one side into paint to create their own stamped picture.

9. Blanket forts. Obviously. :)

10. Play dress up -- both of you! Put on your fancy dress and shoes and let your son or daughter get all done up, too, whether it be their favorite superhero costume or princess dress. The most mundane of tasks just feels more fun in sequins.

We are finally getting outside tomorrow for a workout class in the morning. Thursday we may hit up the indoor trampoline park, and Friday we plan to check out a local drop-in art class for toddlers. We're coming for ya, civilization! 

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