This picture is from 17 weeks on the dot, and I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow. It's flying by SO fast this time around! I documented with pictures and chalkboard updates WEEKLY with C, and this time around I've taken just a handful of pictures and have only shared this one so far. I like to think that it just reflects the fullness of the life that we will be welcoming our littlest into -- an active, busy older sister, lots of friends and family to visit and have fun with.
So, here's the update as of 17 (almost 18) weeks! What do you think - boy or girl? We'll be announcing this weekend!
How far along? 17 weeks 6 days (17 weeks exactly in the picture above)
Size of the baby? About 5.5 inches long and the size of a bell pepper.
Gender? We know... and can't wait to announce this weekend! :)
Showing? Yep! And have been since, oh, 7 weeks. Ha!
Maternity Clothes? I switched over to maternity jeans and leggings really early on because, well, why not? They are so much more comfortable! I'm still wearing mostly regular tops with a few maternity tanks thrown in.
Sleep? I had been waking up at least once a night to use the bathroom, but I'm back to sleeping pretty normally now... with my beloved boppy pillow, of course.
Movement? Yes! I started feeling little movements so early this time... 14.5 weeks! This one's a mover and a shaker.
Food Cravings? Fruit! And still very thirsty and downing ice water regularly.
Anything making you sick? No, thankfully!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood? Happy, if a little tired... and so excited to know the gender and to start really planning.
Best moment this week? Definitely seeing our baby in action (those hiccups were seriously adorable) and finding out the sex!
Challenges/strange moments? C has been a bit of a challenge this week -- typical 2 year old stuff like a few tantrums, lots of emotions and moods... so that's been tiring, especially being a little extra drained to begin with.
Looking forward to? Celebrating Steve's 30th birthday this weekend!!! Seeing our friends and family and revealing the gender of baby #2!
Happy, happy Friday!
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