It's an absolutely beautiful day today and we had such a productive morning: grocery shopping and another errand, cleaning the house (toy pick up, dining room table, coats, dishes, kitchen counters, laundry, taking out the trash...phew), playing and chocolate chip pancakes. When C wakes up from her nap (hallelujah as those are not very consistent these days!), we plan to take her to the park. :) I would say that Spring is on its way but I just saw a dreaded little snowflake symbol in the weather forecast for Friday -- praying that disappears as the week progresses!
Last week was a good one. It started off last Sunday with a trip to the park since I was feeling mostly recovered from whatever bug I had and needed to get out. C tried swinging on the "big girl swings" for the first time and was obsessed. I'm talking, would not dare move from that swing for 75% of our time there.
On Monday we dropped C off at her best friend's house for a play date while we headed to our 20 week anatomy scan. All looked perfect with our littlest girl and we got to see her dancing for 45 minutes straight. :) I can't stop looking at her sweet little profile.
Later in the week we took a trip to the local children's museum (we seriously live in the best area for kids activities) with C's bestie and the two had a blast for a solid two hours. If anyone with littles is within driving distance to Garden State Discovery Museum, I highly recommend checking it out! We never get to finish doing everything because there's just so much!
You would think all of that play would've yielded a long nap, but nope. This was the scene from my monitor that afternoon -- my little monkey climbing up her crib walls trying to escape. I know my days of her staying in there are numbered. Pray for me.
And this has turned into the longest, most photo dump post ever but one last picture because it warms my heart: Steve playing dollhouse with C this morning (don't mind the disaster that was the living room). This will probably end up to be a post in and of itself, but I absolutely love seeing this man play with his little girl and enjoy every second. He gives her baths and takes care to brush her hair just so, allows himself to be adorned with beaded bracelets and headbands, plays dollhouse daily, reads endless books about ballerinas, and has seen Frozen more times than you can imagine. This is someone who grew up with a brother, playing sports, getting dirty outdoors, etc. But he is the very best girl dad and to picture him with two little girls makes me so happy and proud. :)
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