
Thursday, March 3, 2016

I Confess...

So excited to link up with one of my favorite bloggers today, Jessica from The Newly, for Confessional Thursday! I have a few very random things to get off my chest so here we go! ;) 

1. I am in desperate need of new hair tools. You guys. First, and I guess this is a confession in and of itself, you should know that I get my hair cut/styled about twice a year. I call it "getting groomed" because I literally go to the salon as much as my golden retriever does. So sad! BUT I have been using the same straightener and travel-sized, fold up blow dryer for over 10 years now and they are both broken and chipped. I think it's time I upgrade, but my problem is, if something still WORKS I have a really hard time buying a replacement. :( 

2. I'm feeling a little stressed because I feel like I won't be able to "nest" for this baby the same way I did for C -- i.e., preparing a nursery, buying a million things, etc. Since we are planning to move probably sometime in the late summer, this babe won't have a nursery until we do. I already have a ton of things picked out for her little room, just won't be able to execute quite yet.

3. This election so far is disappointing and discouraging. I won't get too much into politics, but I'm disheartened. I know who I will probably vote for, but I know many (in my generation at least) that feel that there is just no great choice.

4. I have almost eaten an entire bag of Starburst jellybeans in the last 4.5 days. I was thinking they might last til, you know, Easter. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

5. I can identify with this. ;) Can you?


  1. I ma the same way with hair tools. I had my straightener for about 10 years and it stopped working on a work trip and I was so sad that I had to buy a new one. Now I am going on 5 years with this one and it doesn't work well, but I refuse to buy a new one. And I wish I hadn't read the jellybeans confession because I have to go to Target at lunch for diapers and may need to get a bag for my desk at work. And I am sure they will be gone in a few days. Ugh.

    1. I'm glad someone can relate -- I feel pretty silly about it! What makes no sense is that I can easily justify another pair of shoes/a top/absolutely anything from target's dollar spot (haha) but necessary things? Nope! Hair tools just aren't that fun. Sorry to remind you of jellybeans - just polished off the last few over here. :-/

  2. Don't worry ab the nursery! We didn't even have Graham's mattress raised until a month into his life.. And there are still pictures of Jack (my first) in the nursery. Whoops!! I've learned w the second that half that stuff doesn't matter. I'm lucky if I leave the house with a diaper and a bottle. Forget the change of clothes and million other things. Haha
