We had a nice weekend. On Saturday we went to dance class in the morning and headed out around lunchtime for Lancaster to visit family. Traffic was nuts but we made it there in one piece in time for a BBQ my aunt was holding for a few different people's birthdays. It was perfect, really, because C got to run around, interact with everybody, and get some energy out. Good, simple food, good company, laughs. That's what life's about. :)
We had about 15 minutes to spare before we arrived at the BBQ so we actually went to visit my dad's grave for the first time with C. I wasn't sure how she'd react but she was so sweet and sat quietly next to his stone, touching it and admiring the small purple flowers growing around its edges. Just today she mentioned "grandpa" out of the blue, like she remembered our visit, and it's safe to say my emotional pregnant self shed some tears. ;)
Sunday was a catch-up day around here -- lots of cleaning, Steve did some work, and we ended the day with Frozen. Today was supposed to be day one of potty training but long story short, it was pretty much an epic fail. Ha! So I'm ending this rainy Monday with a bowl of cookies & cream icecream and The Bachelor finale. Anyone else watching?! Who do you think wins? I like Lauren a lot but I feel like JoJo might be the lucky lady.
See you back here tomorrow for some recent Target goodness! XO
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