
Monday, March 28, 2016

Our Easter Week and Weekend

Happy Monday! I took a bit of an unplanned blogging hiatus last week as we have begun house hunting and between that, work, and chasing after a toddler (while 6 months pregnant), I kept pretty busy. ;) 

I just polished off the last bag of Starburst jellybeans in the house, which I suppose is symbolic (and, honestly, a relief - haha!). Easter has come and gone! It was such a fun week or so of Easter activities, including a hayride and two egghunts, dyeing eggs, Easter-themed crafts, culminating of course in a lovely Easter Sunday yesterday. C is at such a fun age for holidays where she's really starting to "get it" and look forward to all that comes along with them.

I have a million pictures but I'll just post a few here or I won't know where to stop! So, first, we did a hayride/egg hunt at a local family farm. It was adorable -- they had us sit on warm hay bales in the middle of an orchard and told a story about Peter Rabbit dropping his eggs in the woods. The kids then rushed into this little wooded alcove and collected eggs. They had to return their eggs at the end but received a bag of goodies (read: candy) for their effort. 

At Johnsons, I picked up these tulips which brightened my house and brought me happiness every time I walked by them for a week until they perished. #blackthumb

Continuing the Easter fun, I decided to be brave and try dyeing eggs with a two year old. It went surprisingly well using the genius whisk trick I saw a bunch of other moms doing! We only cracked one egg, which C still talks about "oh no, we broke it!" 

On Saturday we headed over to my girlfriend's house (her daughter is the same age as C and her BFF) for another fun egg hunt in their back yard, ordered pizza, and hung out. There's something about watching your baby make friends that just makes your heart want to explode. These two have been going strong for a year and a half! They'll be attending the same preschool in the fall. :)

Finally, Easter Sunday! I prepared two Easter baskets (I ditched the third one at the last minute because I was just going to fill a few eggs with jellybeans, which I decided wasn't necessary) and C tore into them Sunday morning before I could get decent pictures - ha! Thus the blurry shot below. I tried. Her "big" gift was a Buzz Lightyear doll which has been a hit. Later in the afternoon, my family came to our house and Steve and I prepared a simple dinner for everyone: crockpot ham (turned out pretty well!), homemade mac n cheese (turned out eh), salad, and rolls. 

Adorable dress (that I would totally wear if they had my size) from Target. ;)

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend with their family! Hope to be a bit more active around here this week! XO


  1. what a fun weekend! We have so much Easter candy floating around my house..I need to throw it's not so great for my waist line

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a fun one, too! Same here - chocolate bunnies, cupcakes, brownies, candy. It's terrible! I actually just sent the brownies to work with my husband this morning. I should've sent the rest, too. ;) Have a great week!

  2. The whisk trick sounds pretty awesome. I can't wait to use it next year. Looks like you had a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, lady - hope you did too! I'd definitely recommend the whisk trick, it worked like a charm. :)
